"Fix" the ferals

IRHS is an all volunteer, non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. The mission of IRHS is to improve the animal welfare by ensuring the humane care and treatment of animals in King William, Essex and King & Queen County.

In order to succeed in our mission, we need funds to insure that our TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) programs for feral cats can continue. We want to "fix" the feral cat population!

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  • $425Raised
  • $5,000Goal

Let's see all the great photos from our wonderful supporters!

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Campaign Details

IRHS is the sole source for TNR services in the 3 rural counties we operate in. The proliferation of feral cats is due in part to animals being "dumped"; barn cats left to breed unchecked and misinformation on the need to sterilize pets.

We are an all-volunteer organization. We do not pay for any TNR advertising due to our limited resources. Our services are posted on our website, www.indianrivershumane.org. We have had several news stories published about our successes and on-going programs. Our local municipal shelters and Animal Control give out our information to residents in need.

We are usually (but not always) contacted by an older female, often disabled and on a fixed income. They have been feeding the cats, but are unable to afford the surgeries. They usually require help with the trapping and transporting. The average feral colony we have fixed has been in excess of 20 cats. From these colonies, we have taken may kittens that were ultimately able to be tamed and adopted into loving homes.

On some occasions, the caller has no interest in caring for the cats and would prefer they be removed. We have successfully convinced many people to maintain these cats if we s/n them rather than having them euthanized. We have also been able to relocate some cats after they have been fixed to barns, log yards and other colonies. IRHS currently maintains 2 such colonies.

In our last fiscal year, we spent almost $25,000.00 on TNR services. Our primary source of income is from our thrift store, donations and fund-raising activities.

We are starting to see the benefits of our ongoing programs, and hope that the number of feral cats continues to decrease. We have seen fewer cats in our municipal shelters and fewer of those being euthanized. With donations from this campaign, we hope to continue this work for years to come.

Indian Rivers Humane Society

About the Organization

PO Box 264
Aylett, Virginia 23009

EIN: 54-1818901



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