Wall of Love by GivingGrid

Fundraise with Love

Wall of Love (WOL) is both simple and wonderful. People "share the love"
and post a heart to your WOL with their donation.

Wall of Love

In addition to making a donation, donors can also:

  • Include a special message. *
  • Donate in honor or memory of a friend, family member or pet.
  • Wish someone happy birthday, happy anniversary or happy holidays.
  • Tell someone to get well soon.
  • Simply tell someone you love them…

Donors can even send their heart as an eCard!

* Photos cannot be uploaded on Wall of Love.

See a Live Example

Use WOL to Fundraise for…


Your Nonprofit Organization

Animals, arts & culture, children & family, emergencies, environment, faith, health & disease, humanitarian aid, veterans and more…

Your School or University

Whether K - 12 (public or private), a college, a PTA or similar organization or for your sorority/fraternity, a WOL will help you get the funds you need.

Personal Campaigns

Medical expenses for you or a loved one, a memorial, a pet, tuition, adoption, an emergency, a sports team, a friend or family member in need, a veteran in need or even your favorite nonprofit/charity.
  • Simple set-up, so you can get up and running super-fast!
  • GivingGrid’s famous zero fees policy.
  • So easy to donate and the mobile experience is awesome!
  • A goal is optional.
  • You get your choice of color themes.
  • A low minimum donation amount of $5.
  • You can easily run your WOL on your website.
  • Easily create an email blast right from your campaign, with a click of a button. Learn more…

Start Your Wall of Love
It's free to signup and we charge you ZERO fees!