Sarah Stoffle’s Memorial

Wall of Love

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Sarah Stoffle’s Memorial

Sarah was only 18 years old. She was taken from us way too soon. She was tragically shot and killed. Please help contribute to her memorial & funeral expenses. Read more.

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  • $12,801Raised
  • $15,000Goal

Serena StoffleContact Organizer

Campaign Details

Sarah was a beautiful person, inside and out. She was taken from this world far too soon. Just a few days ago she was laughing and joking with us on the phone. She had a huge heart, and loved her family so much. Words cannot describe how much we miss her. We will miss her forever.

Sarah was shot and killed unexpectedly on March 25, 2020 while living in California. Arrangements will have to be made to bring her home to Texas, and it will be costly. If you can, anything will help towards the cost and memorial and funeral expenses. Thank you.

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