Campaign Details
Hospice Patients Face Unique Pet Care Challenges
Few things are more comforting than the unconditional love of a pet. If you've ever known the joy and sense of connection the human animal bond provides, you can begin to imagine the importance of preserving that bond between hospice patients and their pets.
For many patients, the love and comfort their pets provide is a powerful antidote to isolation, loneliness, and depression. Unfortunately, when terminally ill patients are unable to care for their pets, added stress becomes part of their daily lives. Concerned that they will be separated from a pet's emotional and spiritual support, they struggle to find ways to meet their pet's needs while coping with their own health issues. Despite their best efforts, sometimes patients must relinquish a pet prematurely because they have no one to help care for them as their health continues to decline. When this happens, pets may be unnecessarily euthanized or placed in a shelter to face an uncertain future and the patient is left heartbroken.
Pet Peace of Mind is the Solution
Pet Peace of Mind provides hospices with a turnkey program to help patients with their pet care needs. We train hospice coordinators how to put the program model in place using specially trained local volunteers to provide help with daily pet care, exercise, clean up, transport to veterinary or grooming appointments, and help with re-homing pets into new forever homes when their human passes on. Founded in 2009, Pet Peace of Mind has partners in 40 states and is the only national nonprofit offering this programming.
Help patients who need this program by donating today!
Donating is EASY and SAFE! Click on the square of your choice, enter your credit card information, and upload a photo your favorite photo! You can even leave a message. Right now, there are almost 300 hospices at varying stages of program implementation. When our grid is filled in, we will be able to bring Pet Peace of Mind to 15 new hospices.
Thank you for helping pet families in need of a helping hand!
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Pet Peace of Mind
About the Organization
1313 Mill Street SE, Suite 304
Salem, Oregon 97301
EIN: 47-2547717