Your Campaign Name Goes Here

This is where your brief overview would go about your mission trip or volunteer work, but this is an example and we really just want to show you some stuff like all these really cool Fund-icons.

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  • $1,085Raised
  • $2,500Goal

We love our friends and family and their friends for helping!

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Campaign Details

This is the area where your more detailed overview and photos or video would go, if needed. You can add, change or delete any of this stuff, at any time, before, during and after your trip. You can go on for as long as you like...

Setting up your Standard GivingGrid is really easy. It's just a simple step by step process. Then, if you want to take advantage of some of the more advanced features like customizing your thank you email or managing offline donations, you can do all that from your settings. It's a lot easier than managing your Facebook page...


Go get started!

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