Patrick Meek

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Patrick Meek

A fighter till the very end, Patrick Meek lost his battle with brain cancer on Sunday, July 22, 2018. He was surrounded by family, close friends, and love. Read more.

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A fighter till the very end, Patrick Meek lost his battle with brain cancer on Sunday, July 22, 2018. He was surrounded by family, close friends, and love.

Pat was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of Malignant Melanoma in December of 2012. Only the fifth recorded person to be diagnosed with this type of cancer, he underwent numerous surgeries and was treated for over two years at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX until he was cleared with Complete Remission in 2016.

With a new and even deeper appreciation for life, Pat continued to spend time with friends, made memories with family, drove fast cars and motorcycles, watched his favorite movies, and gave lots of love to his two french bulldogs, Ruger and Kimber.

On Friday, July 20th, he complained of extreme pain to his wife, Adrianne and was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was later scanned and airlifted to Medical City in Plano. On Sunday, July 22, 2018, surrounded by his family, close friends, and an out pour of love and prayers, he found peace and left this earth to be with God and his late friends, Hudson, Michelle and Stravers.

Patrick Meek's Texas Memorial Service will be held on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 7pm at the Aria Funeral Home located at 19310 Preston Rd. Dallas, TX 75252

Pat's family and friends appreciate the messages of love and support and hope to continue the upbeat, positive, passionate spirit that he so strongly possessed while we were blessed to have him!

*Memorial Donations may be made directly on this site--- Details on additional Memorial Services in Arizona will be planned and shared here as well as Pat's social media page*

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