Some GivingTuesday & Holiday Love!

We are in crisis! There's no better way to put it.

We have had a really hard time the last few months and the funding is gone. 

We're hurting, but our work can't end. We can't let animals be euthanized, just because there's no room and no money to treat them.

In the spirit of GivingTuesday and the holiday season, please help us and the animals we care for!

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Please help us make it through this crisis!

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Jax was rushed in for surgery. 20 in of his intestines had to be removed at it telescoped on itself. He was then ambulanced to an emergency vet for 24 hour intensive care watch over night. Unfotunately it was too much for his body to take. We did the humane thing and had to let him have his wings. His surgery and care has cost us about $6200. 


A week later Zazu was taken to the vet for a red spot on his eye. All to find out his has an eye condition called Pannus. It is a immune mediated disorder that is common in Shepard and shepherd mixes. He will have to be on eye meds for the rest of his life. 


Oso was returned after 7 years. He was returned in not good shape. Very skinny, grade- 4-5 heart murmer,  horrible teeth and a infected mouth. After blood work, ekg, and a very badly needed dental. He was a fighter and is doing fantastic in his foster home.  His bill was just over $900


Lastly our food bill is over $3000 owed to the food store.


They need us, and we are confident that with your help, we can save more...

December 3rd is GivingTuesday. It was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good and help others. GivingTuesday is four days after Black Friday and the day after Cyber Monday. We ask that if at all possible, you try to spend just a tiny bit less on those days, so that you can give a tiny bit to us. That’s all we ask… If we can get enough people to give us a small amount, we can get through this mess. We're pleading for your help... We need to catch a break.

While we are so grateful to our community of supporters for helping us survive this long, we are continuing to struggle and unfortunately moving backwards, in terms of our expenses versus our donations. We don't know how much longer we can sustain this trend, but we can’t stop saving the fur kids. Our work is too important, so we need to get through this somehow.

If you're not in the position to donate, you can also help by sharing our campaign with others you think might want to help too.

Somehow, we always find a way to make it through for the benefit of those precious souls. Sometimes it almost seems impossible and we look back and wonder how we got by. Then we quickly remember, our miracle is you!

Thank you for helping us in honor of GivingTuesday and in the spirit of the holidays…

Furgotten Friends Dog Rescue

About the Organization


EIN: 27-4892371


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