Buy the Pie

Are you ready to make a delicious difference in the lives of young artists? The James R. Halsey Foundation of the Arts ' Let's Film' program needs your help!

$25 buys the whole pie!

Help make magic happen, one slice at a time! Fill the grid and help provide pizza for the entire semester

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"Empower Dreams, Fund the Screens: Lights, Camera, Donate!"

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Campaign Details

Are you ready to make a delicious difference in the lives of young artists? The James R. Halsey Foundation of the Arts ‘ Let's Film’ program needs your help!


Our mission is clear: to enrich the quality of life for youth aged 14 to 18. We provide them with a safe and educational environment where creativity thrives.  We celebrate the diverse backgrounds, lives, and experiences of everyone involved. By creating a safe space where all individuals feel respected and valued, we foster personal growth that celebrates the creative spirit and drives positive change. Through the magic of filmmaking, we empower these talented young minds to explore their creative potential. But we do more than that! We equip them with life skills that are vital for success in both the arts and business worlds. ️


Here's why your support is crucial: Art, especially filmmaking, is therapeutic. It's a universal language that brings generations together and breaks down the walls of socioeconomic barriers.   For some of these students, our program means a guaranteed meal – and we all know that meals feed creativity. ️


$25 buys the whole pie!  


Help make magic happen, one slice at a time! Fill the grid and help provide pizza for the entire semester


Thank you for being a part of our Let's Film journey and for supporting the James R. Halsey Foundation of the Arts. Together, we're creating a brighter, more inclusive, and more creative future for all!

James R Halsey Foundation of the Arts

About the Organization


EIN: 83-1144406


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