Discarded dogs in Miami need YOU

We rescue discarded dogs throughout Miami Dade County. Animals in these areas are tossed away like garbage, these animals are forced to fend for themselves and sadly not too many make it out alive. We save them from certain death, most of them get hit by cars and have extensive injuries. We provide immediate medical assistance which is very costly, but we strongly believe that they deserve a second chance.

We ask you to please join our efforts!!!

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  • $461Raised
  • $5,000Goal

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Redland Rock Pit Abandoned Dogs Project

About the Organization

The Redland Rock Pit Abandoned Dogs Project is made up of volunteers who take food and water out to them daily to help these dogs survive. Networking with reputable rescue groups we are able to get some of these abandoned dogs safe, but more are left out to fend for themselves with no proper care or shelter. The focus of the Redland Rock Pit Abandoned Dogs Project, Inc. is trifold: 1. The ongoing education of the public on the appropriate care of dogs. 2. To feed and provide initial emergency care for abandoned and free roaming dogs while promoting their safe capture and transfer to reputable non-profit rescue organizations for re-homing. 3. To bring awareness to the plight of the free roaming dogs in Miami-Dade County Florida.

8930 West State Road 84 #285
Davie, Florida 33324
United States

EIN: 81-1221330



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