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Campaign Details
Help us reach our goal of $20,100 to fund our youth suicide prevention program! This funding will allow us to reach 1,340 people with our suicide prevention training. They'll learn how to recognize warning signs and behaviors, along with steps to take to prevent suicide if they see a person exhibiting warning signs.
Every dollar helps us get one step closer to saving lives and ending the epidemic of youth suicide in Indiana. Thank you for supporting the Indiana Center for Prevention!
The Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide works to end youth abuse and suicide by providing prevention education programs to 10 counties in central Indiana. To learn more about us, visit
Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide
About the Organization
The Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide (ICPYAS) works passionately to empower the community to end youth abuse and suicide by offering evidence-based and evidence-informed, high-quality prevention programs so all children can live free from harm and to their highest potential.
4607 East 106th Street
Carmel, IN 46240
EIN: 35-2072683