Lip It Up's👄 Cancer-Obliterating Donations Page
Everybody loves lip balm, but sometimes you really just want to send money instead.
Wait, is this legit? Why not a Donate Now button embedded on the site? Lip It Up uses a free site builder —and it's great, but an embedded button requires upgrading to a paid plan which we cannot afford. We also need to point out that Giving Grid's platform will request a $2 transaction fee. Please read the WHY link at checkout; if you're not comfortable with this prospect, you can edit the value. Don't worry, Lip It Up's still being fleeced by PayPal.🤷
Not everyone is in a position to donate a 'recommended' amount. Some people cannot donate —we've been there, people, and it's rough. Tell a friend. Tell your favourite online news source. Raising awareness for Lip It Up is equally important— it's not just monetary.
Our heartfelt thanks to all you lip-smacking supporters. ⚡️SMASH CANCER⚡️
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Lip It Up is neither a registered charity, nor is it a not-for-profit. To reduce costs, Lip It Up exists under the umbrella of Industrial Strength Graphics Inc, a pre-existing company owned by Eva's dad.
$654 of $10,000 Raised
Please share:
$327 Contribution made by Someone who cares.
$50 Contribution made by Warren Leonhardt.
⚡️⚡️SMASH CANCER !⚡️⚡️$37 Contribution made by Wise Oldman.
For a non-website purchase of two Big Mouth packs.😋Contribution made by Julia Bauming.
Keep up the good work, Eva. Unfortunately cancer is present in our world 24/7/365. There's so much we don't know. Further research is critically important. 👍$20 Contribution made by Brian Connelly.
In honor of Jake "I'm a Belieber" Bauming$50 Contribution made by Layla Benson.
$50 Contribution made by Someone who cares.
$25 Contribution made by allison sullings.
What a great way to remember a granddad, and others.$30 Contribution made by Jim Satterthwaite.
Well done Eva! A very worthy project, and I hope you do well with it. Here is my donation, though if you get a chance sometime I would love to sample one of your products... (You choose!) I have known both your Dad and your Uncle Josh for some time. I have never known either of them to have been nearly this enterprising, although probably we should keep that between the two of us. Again congratulations, and please say hello to Burt when you see him next. Cheers, Jim. S.$25 Contribution made by Julia Bauming.
Top marks to Eva for taking this initiative. Cancer affects so many individuals and their families. It can be devastating. Let's work together to make a difference! Grandma Julie❤️👍$15 Contribution made by Umi Bhamjee.