HoM Building & Operation Exp: Anna

We are about halfway through our building phase for the first House of Mary home. We need donations to finish the home and for yearly operational expenses. We have estimated that it will cost around $100,000 yearly to operate HoM. This budget will cover things like food, utilities, training materials, transportation, and the house mom's salary. We need your donations and help by sharing this campaign. Please join us as we strive to change lives.

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  • $100Raised
  • $20,100Goal

It would be so much fun and awesome, if we filled every square!
*Donated more than the face value.

Campaign Details

We need your help!

Our Mission:
Equipping, empowering, and enabling women to raise the “Timothy” generation by providing a welcoming, loving, and healthy home atmosphere to women and teens, in crisis pregnancy situations, that choose life and love for the child.
“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and,
​I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” – 2 Timothy 1:5


​Equip = Supply with necessary items for a particular purpose.

Empower = To invest with power.

Enable = Give the authority or means to do something.

Home Atmosphere: Everyone will chip in with cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, lawn care, and anything else it takes to maintain a home.
This will give the ladies real-life experience of managing and maintaining a home, but with support from others.

Classes: Bible, finances, budgeting, parenting, adoption, healthy cooking, nursing, birthing, social etiquette, couponing, daily health, and hygiene for mom and baby.

Connections: Church, GRACE Pregnancy Outreach, Workforce Center, River of Life, WIC and Medicaid.

Extras: Counseling (self, baby’s father, or family), mentors, discipleship, baby showers, transportation, tutors, encouragement, and love.

End Result: An independent God seeking woman, who desires to provide more for her baby spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

House of Mary

About the Organization

House of Mary will be the first pregnancy home in Livingston, TX. The first house (currently being built) will house up to 8 pregnant women and one "house mom/family" that will oversee the home. Our organization's goal is to help, support, train, and love these women as they choose life. We believe this will create the Timothy Generation (2 Tim 1:5). For more information, find us on Facebook or check out our website. www.homlivingston.org

P.O. Box 376
Livingston, TX 77351
United States

EIN: 474074298



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