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More Wonderful Donors

$200 Lopez Family
Michelle Draper
$1,505 Justin Matthew Montgomery
$5 Justin Matthew Montgomery
Tom and Mary Cay Pepin
$50 Paolo Errico
Someone who cares
$50 Brady Key
Someone who cares
Chethana, Eric, & Meera
Judy & Steve Rapp
Margaret and Richard Schlotfeldt
$100 Someone who cares
$5 Deanna Chitwood
$25 Kaspers
$35 Jennifer, Ben & Rachel Seay
$25 John & Heidi
$25 Petro Family
$144 Orange Blossom!
$126 Linda Refua
$55 Mary Davis
$20 James Cox
$50 Shawn Dettenmaier and Mom
$11 Matt
Rita Cannon
$5 Debbie and Steve Mayeske
$225 Reed & Balmeet
Campaign Details
Adoption was always in the cards for us. For years, our plans were to have a mix of biological and adopted children. However, as we began trying - and failing - to get pregnant in 2015, and embarked on unsuccessful fertility treatments, we realized that we would need to change those plans.
We attempted the Foster-to-Adopt route, taking several helpful classes about the joys and difficulties of adoption. Upon learning more about the process, we finally opted to pursue a private adoption, which would give us more control over our circumstances and likely move much faster.
Working with the good people at AdoptHelp, we began preparing for this journey. Starting in November of 2019, our lives were a flurry of interviews and background checks. We made sure our home was safe for children and enrolled in additional training classes. We got photos taken and put together a profile book (designed by the amazing team at Kindred & Co.) which would allow expectant mothers to know more about us as they made their choices.
We officially went active in early April of this year. Our profile book was presented to several expectant mothers and, in what we were told was an unprecedented development, we were selected within just a few weeks. The mother was expecting twin boys! We enthusiastically connected with her, first over Skype, and then in person in late June (just in time for our 15th wedding anniversary).
They were born big and healthy at full term and we are soaking in ever second with them! We are so so grateful that their mother chose us to raise them!
This process has had a lot of ups and downs, but we are optimistic about the future. However, private adoption is a very expensive endeavor. For those that might not know a lot about the adoption process, we should first clarify that we are not “buying” the babies. Instead, the money that we have spent goes into education, background checks, certifications, interviews, the profile book, travel expenses, and the home study. Then there are the legal considerations, such as legal and court fees, social workers, and general administrative costs.
All of this has amounted to $60,000. Thankfully, thanks to a tax credit, our own savings, and the generosity of others, most of this has been taken care of. However, we still have $20,000 to go.
We know that this is a difficult time for people, with the pandemic having a huge financial impact. So we are very grateful for your willingness to donate to our adoption fund. As you can see, there are several donation amount options available, and any amount you are able to commit to is helpful and greatly appreciated. If the smaller dollar amounts are already taken, please consider splitting a higher donation amount with someone. If we are able to somehow exceed our goal, the remaining funds will go into a college fund for the twins.
We welcome your prayers and sharing this fundraiser on social media as well!
Thank you! Love, Jen, Tyler, Dashiell, and Jasper Smith