Give Grace a second chance!

Angel's Hope

Wall of Love

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Give Grace a second chance!

Grace is a puppy that is fighting for her life. She was shot and left for dead, until she was found by a Good Samaritan. Read more.

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Update 3/7/2017 Grace is fighting for her life again! Her bills have totaled over $8,500 as of 3/7/2016.

Our sweet girl can't seem to catch a break. Over the last week and a half Grace hasn't been feeling well and seemed tired and depressed. She had her vaccines and treatment for liver flukes and seemed to struggle a bit after that. We visited the ER vet for vomiting on 3/25/2017. The parvo test was negative and there were no signs of infection or disease at that point and it was thought it could be the dewomer upsetting her stomach. She was given fluids and an anti-nausea medication and seemed to perk up a little over the next day or so, but still wasn't as active as she had been.

We took her to the vet on 3/1/2017 for lab work to check her liver function as the flukes can impact the liver negatively, but the values were normal. She did have a slightly low WBC count and was slightly anemic, but again it was thought that with all she'd been through and that there wasn't too much to be concerned about.

Over the weekend, her cart came and she wasn't very interested in it and seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. On 3/6/2017, we took in a urine sample to check for a UTI and also made an appointment with her neurologist as we were concerned it could be some form of pain and that appointment was supposed to be this morning, 3/7/2017. The urinalysis was normal.

When we arrived home in the afternoon on 3/6/2017, Grace was breathing a bit rapidly and was shaking a little so we headed on to the vet. She was given medication to bring her temperature down and also a broad spectrum antibiotic. The plan was that the fever would come down and we would get the neurologist thoughts this morning. However, her temperature went up more and we took her to our local ER vet yesterday evening.

Grace's lab work showed that her WBC count had dropped more, it was around 400. Her platelet count was also extremely low and her glucose level. The vet didn't feel comfortable with Grace coming home and she's still at the ER vet.

The internal medicine vet is consulting with a neurologist to see if the surgery site could be the cause of Grace's illness as well as looking into many other possibilities, but at this time we don't know what's causing Grace to be so sick. She's in very serious condition.

We're so grateful for your support of this little one that has fought to overcome her past with all that she has and she still is. Her medical bills have continued to climb and we're asking all of our amazing friends to please share her fundraiser. Every single donation will help Grace to keep fighting and allow the vets to perform the tests they need to do to find out what's going on.

Thank you for giving Grace HOPE and for being a part of the Angel's Hope family! We'll continue to update as we have more news.

Grace was shot and left to suffer. Will you give her HOPE?

Grace was a homeless puppy trying to survive the only way she knew how. She didn't ask for the life she was living. She didn't ask to not be cared for. She didn't ask to not have food and to have to search through garbage cans for something to fill her empty stomach. She didn't ask to not have a warm place to rest her head. She didn't ask to not have a home, so spent most of her days wandering around into people's yards hoping that someone would give her a little comfort.

She didn't ask to be injured and unable to move. A Good Samaritan found her and placed her in a plastic container and provided her food and warmth while trying to find help for Grace.

We couldn't say No to Grace. We couldn't let her suffer anymore. She was taken to the vet on the morning of 2/11/2017. We expected the x-rays to show that Grace had been hit by a car, we were wrong.

Grace had been shot and she was paralyzed. She also had a fracture, pneumonia, and lice.

We transferred her to the vet specialists in Matthews, North Carolina on Saturday and she underwent surgery on Sunday. The vet was able to remove the fragmented bullet and also bone that was shattered due to the fracture. While we were hopeful that the surgery would make it possible for Grace to walk again, most likely she'll require a cart for the rest of her life.

We know that Grace's immediate future will be a tough one, but we couldn't give up on her and we had to give her the chance to know kindness and love.


Will you help this sweet girl get the second chance she needs? The funds raised will go towards her surgery, hospitalization, ongoing medical care related to her injury, and other supplies that she'll need as she recovers and adjust to her new life.

There are other ways to help too. Grace will need a very special home that will be patient with her needs as she adjusts to her new life. We're looking for a committed, dedicated family that will welcome Grace home once she's ready. You can help by sharing her story with friends and family that may be a good fit for Grace.

She'll need a home without stairs (or at least to be carried up/down them when needed) and a family that will be committed to her medical needs, including expressing her bladder, physical therapy, and getting her in and out of her cart. She may also need time to learn to trust again. We can't imagine the fear she must have felt the day that she was shot and even the months leading up to it, always being pushed away by humans she was reaching out to.

We're also looking for volunteers that are experienced with caring for special needs dogs like Grace and would be willing to come by each day to help with expressing her bladder, physical therapy, and other special care that she will require as she starts on the road to recovery.

We want Grace to have the happiest, most fulfilling life that she can have and we hope that there's a family that will be willing to help Grace learn how to love and to get the chance she almost didn't have.

Thank you for your support and for changing the lives of homeless pets like Grace!

With deep gratitude,

April Hurley
Angel's Hope

Angel's Hope

About the Organization

P.O. Box 207
United States

EIN: 45-2593796



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  • Update



    It's hard to forget that little face in a box, but sometimes it's also hard to remember as we see all of the progress that Grace has made.

    As you remember, the first few months for Grace were very tough as she fought for her life, not once but twice. She had an undeniable will to live and to find her place in the world. 

    She worked hard at every single underwater treadmill session. She looked for a hand to hold during electrostimulation. She enjoyed a Kong or Nylabone during her brace and range of motion therapy. She never gave up. 



    After working so hard, she was ready to set some big goals at the beginning of May. She wanted to get stronger and find her family. We created an inspiration board for her to keep her going on the tougher days. So many of our amazing friends sent in quotes and letters to cheer her on.



    She patiently checked her calendar each day all the while doing her her therapy and going on big adventures. 

    She went to the park with her foster dad. 



    She went to a coffee spot and enjoyed a puppuccino. 



    She enjoyed a munchkin for National Donut Day. 



    She got stronger. So strong that she flexed and the sleeves fell off of her shirt! 



    But she still didn't have her forever family. 

    You know that she doesn't give up! When the beginning of June rolled around, she was ready to work even harder. She continued her therapy and we continued sharing her story. Many great friends and Facebook pages helped spread the word about Grace and her search for a family of her very own. She was being seen all around the world and we knew that soon Grace would have what she'd been working so hard to find, her family.

    We didn't tell her right away as it was difficult for us to imagine letting this sweet soul go. Instead, we enjoyed a couple more weeks filling her days with fun. 

    She visited with friends and dear friends came to visit her.



    She painted. 



    She saw her first rainbow. 



    And she went to the beach. 



    It was then time to share with her that she'd reached ALL of her goals. She had a family waiting to meet her and welcome her HOME! 

    One of her fur brothers even has a cart just like hers!



    Getting her all packed up, including her inspiration board, and taking her to meet them and seeing that sweet smile as we left was a hard day. But we know Grace is in the best of hands and we learned that "There comes a point in your life when you realize your hardest times are your best times, too—you will see the rainbow of your life." -Roy Bennett. We certainly know that's true for Grace. 


    DSC_0380 2

    Thank you to all that shared Grace's journey, gave to help her get the medical care she needed, and encouraged her and us when the days were hard. You gave a pup that didn't have a chance a few months her Happy Tail! 

    To see more of adorable Grace, please visit her Facebook Album: Grace.

    P.S. Of course, we couldn't let this cutie leave before showing off her July 4th dress! 


  • Update

    Howlo and Happy National Donut Day! I’m thinking National Donut Day may be one of the best days ever! Donuts for humans, munchkins for dogs! Definitely, the best day ever!

    It’s been a while since I’ve been able to paw you an update and I told my foster mom it was time for me to check-in!

    May was a very busy month for me. If you remember, I set some very big goals for May: To get stronger and find my family. I worked REALLY hard all month. I did my treadmill therapy, my electrostimulation, and my at home physical therapy and do you know what happened? Just what my shirt says: I flexed and then the sleeves fell off! :)

    I worked really hard on my other goal as well. I had my foster mom share my story with everyone that she could think of, but I haven’t found my family just yet. Rather, maybe my family hasn’t found me. Maybe they’re out there right now looking on Petfinder or Facebook just for me! I sure hope so!

    I was a little discouraged that I didn’t achieve both of my goals, but my friends were there to cheer me up when I needed it and sent me so many great things for my board. Anytime I’m feeling down, I just look at my board and remember how many people love me. :)

    What else? Oh! I went out on a big adventure a few weekends ago. I went to a place named after me! It’s called Grace Coffee Company. They gave me a puppuccino and boy oh boy was it delicious! It you haven’t noticed, I have a bit of a sweet tooth!

    Well, I think that’s about all I have for now. I hope you have the best weekend and remember…

    Live like someone left the gate open! (And thank you for making it possible for me to live this way too!)


    <3 Grace



    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update


    Yesterday made 3 months since we picked up a little girl in a box that was unable to move. We had no idea when this journey began how hard it would be, how much we'd have to learn and grow and overcome. There have been more tears than we care to count, days filled with the sweetest laughs, and moments we second guess our decisions. There are weeks that we feel like we’re seeing progress only to have two vet visits this week that knock us back down.

    Grace has been in therapy for almost six weeks now. She goes to one acupuncture/dry needling session each week, two underwater treadmill therapy sessions, and does physical therapy at home including wearing braces.

    Last week, for the first time since we started therapy, we were able to get her to sit with her legs in a bent position. She’s also getting stronger and can lift up her entire back end when she scoots. We felt like she was making progress. But we knew that something still wasn’t quite right. Her back legs can’t relax. No matter how much we stretch them and work on passive range of motion, they stay contracted.

    We decided to take her back to the neurologist for a reevaluation on Wednesday and while we were hopeful for some good news, we didn’t receive any. Grace has scoliosis and Arthrogryposis in her pelvic limbs. While we’re still learning more about arthrogryposis, what we know so far is that there isn’t a treatment. The neurologist said that it isn’t painful, but that it will most likely reduce the likelihood that she’ll walk to 0% as she can’t get her legs to relax. Again, our hearts broke for this little girl that has been giving it her all to overcome the cruelty she was dealt.

    After that visit, we went to her regular vet as she’d been having some itching and she was diagnosed with demodex. Of course, this is easily treatable, but it just felt like she can’t catch a break.

    So where do we go from here? We’re talking with her therapist about what type of treatments to move forward with and we’re also talking to her vet and neurologist about her spay procedure. We want to make sure that it’s safe to perform the surgery and should know more soon.

    But enough with the hard stuff. Let’s talk about the fun stuff! When Grace isn’t working hard, she’s playing hard! She’s been having a good time trying to convince her foster siblings that they should play with her. She hasn’t won them over yet, but she doesn’t give up. Take a look:!

    Her costume collection is growing and she dressed-up for her first Star Wars day! Does it get any cuter than this little Yoda?

    We started an inspiration board for Grace at the beginning of this month. On days that she’s struggling, we show it to her and help her to remember that so many people out there love her and are cheering her on. If you’d like to send something for her board, just let us know. We’d love to add to it!

    Thank you again for continuing to share Grace’s journey! Together, we’ve watched her fight for her life twice, struggle to overcome her fears, learn that the world isn't a bad place after all, and open her heart to let love in.

    The progress that she’s made wouldn’t have been possible without your kindness and willingness to help an innocent puppy that needed a second chance. We’re grateful each day for every person that is a part of the Angel’s Hope family and that makes a difference for dogs like Grace. You saved her life!

    Sweet Grace, you're the toughest little pup we know and you're an inspiration! Your journey is just beginning and we know that you have something special to share with the world!



    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update


    Do you know what today is? You don't? It's National Superhero Day! Do you know who I think is a superhero? YOU! You're a superhero to me and so many others that you give HOPE to! 

    Sending a big High-Paw to you for being my Superhero,



    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update

    Howlo! It’s me Grace! It’s been a little while since I got to sit down and paw you an update and I thought that today was the perfect day to fill you in on what I’ve been up to.

    After lots of fun hunting Easter eggs and opening my basket, it was time to go back to work, which for me means therapy.

    I go to acupuncture once each week, to the place with the treadmill that’s underwater twice each week, and then I do my at home exercises every day. I also now wear braces on my legs for about an hour each day. It’s a lot of hard work and sometimes me and my foster family get discouraged, but I’ve never been a pup that gives up and I’m going to keep trying to get my legs up and moving!

    What else? Oh! My foster parents were out of town for a few days and I got to stay with my friend that does my therapy and she had a dog that I really liked. You’ve got to check out how fast I can make my wheels spin when I need to! Take a look: It made my little heart so happy to be able to just be a puppy and play! I hope that one day I’ll have a forever family with another dog that I can enjoy lots of playtime with!

    Well, I think I’d better go. I hear my foster mom calling me for dinner and I love food time! Don’t forget that you can see what I’m up to between updates by visiting the Angel’s Hope Facebook page: and we’re on Instagram too:

    Thank you for sharing my journey!

    Puppy snuggles,




    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update


    An adorable bunny stopping by to say…



    Thank you for helping me get my HOP back and for giving me so many great days! 

    To see my egg hunting adventure, visit this link:



    Grace the Bunny Dog



    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update

    It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost two months since we learned of a young puppy found unable to move. We didn’t know what was wrong with her or if she’d live long enough for us to get her to the vet. Thankfully, she made it and thanks to you, she continues to get the care she needs to get her Happy Tail!

    Over the last two weeks, Grace has been going to acupuncture/dry needling sessions and underwater treadmill therapy. So far, she’s had two of each. While we haven’t seen an improvement yet, we can’t get discouraged. She hasn’t walked for almost two months, so we must be patient and give her some time to learn how her legs move again. Of course, there's no guarantee that she’ll ever walk again, but because of you, we can give her the therapy she needs to have the best outcome possible.



    She's getting more comfortable with the underwater treadmill and loves all the treats that she gets while working out. You can see her in action here:

    When she’s not “working” she’s preparing for the arrival of the Easter bunny and even talked her foster parents in to giving her a few treats early!


     How could we resist that adorable face? 

    Each and every day Grace is coming out of her shell a little more. She had a furry friend stop by to meet her over the weekend and for the first time, she wanted to play. She ran as fast as she could in her cart and truly enjoyed herself. It was a blessing to see.

    We continue to be grateful for your support of sweet Grace. Without you, it wouldn’t have been possible to save her life and we thank you for your kindness.

    To see more of what this adorable pup has been up to, please visit our Facebook page:

    As always, we ask that you continue to share her story and help her find the family that we know is out there searching just for her. This is an easy to share link to her Petfinder profile:

    Thank you again! We can't wait to share the next part of Grace's journey soon!


    With gratitude,



    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update

    Holwo! Its me Grace! Im finally feeling well enough to paw you an update, with a little help from my foster mom of course!

    I want to start by thanking you for saving my life not once, but twice. The second time I was fighting for my life, I was very scared again. But I knew that you were out there sending me puppy power and it helped me stay strong and beat whatever was making me so sick. Im still not 100%, but Im so much better than I was a couple of weeks ago and its all because of you!

    What have I been up to since my last update? Well, I must admit that Im not a Monday dog. Its always hard to get going after a weekend of play. So on Monday, I was doing this

    Then I heard that National Puppy Day was coming up and I was pretty excited about that. But my Snuggle Puppy wasnt. She wanted to nap! But I let her know that on National Puppy Day, we play! Take a look here:

    Since I have a little more energy, Ive been able to spend more time in my cart. My foster mom sets up a game for me where I go around and find my treats. I think shes training me for the puppy Olympics! You can see me in action here and how fast Im getting:

    What else? Oh! Yesterday, I had two very special friends stop by to see me! They brought me toys and treats. I loved them! My foster mom said Grace cant carry her toys and walk in her cart yet. but I can and I did! She also said that I was shy, but I warmed right up to my new friends. My foster mom better get her tales straight! Im the sweetest, most fun pup in the world and I can do anything that I set my mind to.

    Well, I think thats about all for this week. Whats next for me? Tomorrow, Im going to see a vet that does acupuncture. Im not sure what that is, but I hear it may be able to help me. Ill also be starting underwater treadmill therapy soon. Im still looking for my family too! Can you believe that? Will you keep sharing my story so that when Im ready Ill have a family ready to take me home? Id sure appreciate it!  

    Thank you again for making it possible for me to continue to get the care that I need and to be able to enjoy the sunshine! 



    P.S. To see more of what you're making possible for me, visit my Facebook Album:

    With gratitude,


    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angels Hope


  • Update

    This little lady has had a busy week! Her energy seems to be returning and the warmer weather has brightened her spirits. She started the week with a visit to the neurologist followed by a puppaccino for being such a good girl while she was there. 

    The neurologist feels that she’s progressing as she should be at this time. He recommended starting underwater treadmill therapy once she’s well enough and we’re looking into the options while she continues to recover.

    We also received a few of her test results from her ER stay, but we’re still waiting on others. She tested positive for mycoplasmosis which was causing her respiratory issues. She was started on IV antibiotics while at the ER vet and continues to be on two oral antibiotics at home.

    Lab work was done on Tuesday to see where her white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet counts were and while they were all still low, they seemed to be heading in the right direction. 

    A few days after she arrived home from the ER vet, it snowed! We haven't had snow this late since we've lived here, so it was a surprise. We took her out to see it, but she was ready to come back inside and snuggle in just a minute. 

    She celebrated being the luckiest pup in the world with a treat and some festive attire on St. Patrick’s Day. She wanted to eat her feather boa!

    She also has begun to scoot around again and wants to walk in her cart more often. She even rolled down to meet her foster brother yesterday. You can see the video on our Facebook page:

    We hope that the last visit to the ER will be Grace’s LAST visit to the ER. It’s almost time for her next round of vaccinations and of course we are nervous as it could have been the cause of her illness and the internal medicine vet is still looking into this possibility, although it is low. We’ll be in touch with her before Grace’s next regular vet visit to make sure we do all that we can to protect Grace’s health.

    As far as what’s next for Grace, the rough plan is to get her next set of vaccinations and begin underwater treadmill therapy. In the meantime, we’re accepting inquiries from families that may want to welcome sweet Grace home when she’s ready. We want her to have the best and happiest life possible and to be the center of her family’s world. Will you share her with others that may be interested? We’re thinking she’ll be ready to go home around the end of April, unless the family is local to SC and would be willing to take her to therapy etc.

    We can’t thank you enough for your continued support for Grace! She truly is a fighter and she has shown us time and time again that she doesn’t want to give up. Because of YOU, she never has to!

    With gratitude,


    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update

    This little girl must have a story to share with a family that is still out there searching for her. She keeps fighting, even when it looks like she may not be able to make the turn.

    This week was a very difficult week for Grace. We’re still waiting on test results that will be in tomorrow to know more about what happened to make her so sick and led to a four day stay at the ER vet.

    On Monday morning, when she still didn’t seem to feel very well, we took in a urine sample to find out if she maybe had a UTI that was making her feel poorly and we also scheduled an early follow-up visit with the neurologist as we thought that maybe she was in pain from her surgery. The urine sample was normal and we were preparing to go up to see the neurologist on Tuesday morning.

    By that afternoon, she was shaking and breathing a little more rapidly than normally, so we returned to the vet. Her temperature was 105.4. They immediately gave her medication for her temperature and an antibiotic. We returned home, but a couple of hours later when her temperature wasn’t coming down, we headed to the ER vet again. They began with lab work and found that Grace had very few white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets and began emergency treatment. They weren’t sure that she’d pull through and suggested that maybe it was time to let her go. We were torn. This little girl had fought so hard to live, how could we not give her the chance to overcome this. We asked that they continue treatment and over the next few days her lab values began to improve.

    She came home on Thursday, but she isn’t out of the woods yet. We’re still waiting on test results for things like distemper, tick borne illnesses, and viral infections. The results should be in tomorrow. We’ll also be going to the neurologist on Tuesday.

    Grace’s life has been hard. Most days we aren’t sure that we made the right decisions for her and with so many conflicting views from the multiple vets that she’s been treated by, we doubt ourselves even more. We hope that we’re doing the right things for Grace. We hope that she knows we want her to have the best life possible. We also hope that at any time she doesn’t want to fight anymore, that she’ll let us know. We never want her to suffer again. Along those lines, we try every day to make sure she gets to do fun things.

    Recently, she went on a shopping spree and picked out these toys and she’s slowly learning how to play with them. She’s a little afraid of the squeaking noises, but does enjoy chewing on them.

    Her cart also came in and while she hasn’t felt much like rolling all over the place, she has taken a few walks around the yard.

    Her continued recovery is possible because of your kindness. When she needs to go to the doctor, your support makes that possible. When she needs to know that she’s loved, your caring words lift her spirits. Knowing that there are so many people that love her keeps her going.

    There still hasn’t been much interest in terms of a family for Grace and we’re beginning to accept inquires for her adoption. Please share her story with those that may be interested in welcoming her home. She deserves to be the center of someone’s world and to know that forever she’ll be loved and cared for.

    Thank you again for making it possible to give Grace HOPE and a second chance!

    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update

    Your kindness is keeping sweet Grace going! While we hoped to have a great update on Grace, this week has been tough on her. She hasn’t been feeling well and has required a couple of unexpected vet visits since last Saturday. She seems tired and a little depressed. We're working with our vet to determine what exactly is causing her to feel poorly and hope to have good news by early next week.

    We’ve been doing all that we can to keep her spirits up. She enjoys her puppy teething bones, so we make sure she gets one each day!

    We’ve also been taking her for strolls around the neighborhood so that she can experience new scents and environments. She loves to stretch out on the soft grass and feel the sunshine on her fur after each stroll. :)

    Her cart arrived yesterday and we hope once she feels up to it, we can get her up and rolling and that being able to move more will lift her spirits. We know this sweet girl has been through so much and that the circumstances she faced must be weighing heavy on her. Please continue to send her lots of positive energy!

    If all goes well and she begins to feel better, we hope to have a family waiting for her by the end of March. We’re searching for a family that will be committed to giving Grace a home for the rest of her life. We don’t want her to endure any more stress and uncertainty about the future and want her to be able to receive stability and patience for however long it takes her to open up and begin to trust. Will you help her find her family? She’s on Petfinder: and she also has an album on Facebook: Maybe they could come and visit her and begin spending time with her. We know the company would do her so much good!

    Thank you again for sharing Grace’s journey and for showing her the meaning of unconditional love. We tell her each day how many amazing people are pulling for her.

    We’re grateful for your support!

    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Executive Director

    Angel’s Hope


  • Update

    You gave Grace a chance when she almost didnt have one. Thank You!

    Sweet Grace came home on Monday and has enjoyed being pampered and snuggled every day. Of course, her recovery isn't going to be an easy one. These first few days have been tough as she adjusts to her new life.

    She has to have physical therapy 3-4 times each day and have her bladder expressed, which she is handling like a champ. Shes also beginning to move around a little more on her own when shes relaxing and wants to change positions.

    When she gets tired or frustrated, we take her outside to enjoy some fresh air and listen to the birds. Her little ears perk up and her nose goes straight up in the air!

    She also took a big step yesterday! With assistance, she was able to start learning how to walk again in preparation for her cart that will be arriving soon. This seemed to lift her spirits! Take a look!

    None of these milestones would be possible without you! You gave Grace HOPE to keep fighting and to get the second chance she deserves. Thank you so much!

    Were beginning to accept applications for potential homes for Grace and would love it if you passed her information along to families that may be interested in giving her a loving, permanent home.

    To see more of what Grace has been up to, please visit our Facebook page:

    Were grateful for your kindness!

    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Angels Hope

  • Update

    You gave Grace a chance when she almost didn’t have one. Thank You!

    Sweet Grace came home on Monday and has enjoyed being pampered and snuggled every day. Of course, her recovery isn't going to be an easy one. These first few days have been tough as she adjusts to her new life.

    She has to have physical therapy 3-4 times each day and have her bladder expressed, which she is handling like a champ. She’s also beginning to move around a little more on her own when she’s relaxing and wants to change positions.

    When she gets tired or frustrated, we take her outside to enjoy some fresh air and listen to the birds. Her little ears perk up and her nose goes straight up in the air!

    She also took a big step yesterday! With assistance, she was able to start learning how to “walk” again in preparation for her cart that will be arriving soon. This seemed to lift her spirits! Take a look!

    None of these milestones would be possible without you! You gave Grace HOPE to keep fighting and to get the second chance she deserves. Thank you so much!

    We’re beginning to accept applications for potential homes for Grace and would love it if you passed her information along to families that may be interested in giving her a loving, permanent home.

    To see more of what Grace has been up to, please visit our Facebook page:

    We’re grateful for your kindness!


    With gratitude,

    April Hurley, Angel’s Hope

  • Update

    Thank you for saving Grace's life! Your support made it possible to save her life and give her a second chance! 

    Grace had her surgery on Sunday morning. The vet was able to remove the fragmented bullet and also bone that was shattered due to a fracture. While we were hopeful that the surgery would make it possible for Grace to walk again, most likely she will require a cart for the rest of her life. But she's a fighter and we know she'll be able to get in a cart and zoom around in no time! 

    We went to visit Grace today and told her how many people already love her and are sending her so many prayers and lots of positive energy. We were also able to tell her that thanks to a partnership with another great rescue organization, her siblings and her mom are safe now too. She rested her head on my arm and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. 

    This little one and her family had been on their own for a while and will need some time to heal and to learn to love and trust. Grace didn't know what it was like to be held with love and kindness, she only knew being shooed away and wondering why she couldn't find just a small bit of comfort. Now, that's all she'll know. 

    We'll bringing Grace home on Monday to begin the next part of her journey and we hope to have her zooming around in her cart within the next three weeks. 

    Thank you again for your kindness and for giving Grace a second chance! 

    With gratitude, 

    April Hurley

    Angel's Hope 

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