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Update 3/7/2017 Grace is fighting for her life again! Her bills have totaled over $8,500 as of 3/7/2016.
Our sweet girl can't seem to catch a break. Over the last week and a half Grace hasn't been feeling well and seemed tired and depressed. She had her vaccines and treatment for liver flukes and seemed to struggle a bit after that. We visited the ER vet for vomiting on 3/25/2017. The parvo test was negative and there were no signs of infection or disease at that point and it was thought it could be the dewomer upsetting her stomach. She was given fluids and an anti-nausea medication and seemed to perk up a little over the next day or so, but still wasn't as active as she had been.
We took her to the vet on 3/1/2017 for lab work to check her liver function as the flukes can impact the liver negatively, but the values were normal. She did have a slightly low WBC count and was slightly anemic, but again it was thought that with all she'd been through and that there wasn't too much to be concerned about.
Over the weekend, her cart came and she wasn't very interested in it and seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. On 3/6/2017, we took in a urine sample to check for a UTI and also made an appointment with her neurologist as we were concerned it could be some form of pain and that appointment was supposed to be this morning, 3/7/2017. The urinalysis was normal.
When we arrived home in the afternoon on 3/6/2017, Grace was breathing a bit rapidly and was shaking a little so we headed on to the vet. She was given medication to bring her temperature down and also a broad spectrum antibiotic. The plan was that the fever would come down and we would get the neurologist thoughts this morning. However, her temperature went up more and we took her to our local ER vet yesterday evening.
Grace's lab work showed that her WBC count had dropped more, it was around 400. Her platelet count was also extremely low and her glucose level. The vet didn't feel comfortable with Grace coming home and she's still at the ER vet.
The internal medicine vet is consulting with a neurologist to see if the surgery site could be the cause of Grace's illness as well as looking into many other possibilities, but at this time we don't know what's causing Grace to be so sick. She's in very serious condition.
We're so grateful for your support of this little one that has fought to overcome her past with all that she has and she still is. Her medical bills have continued to climb and we're asking all of our amazing friends to please share her fundraiser. Every single donation will help Grace to keep fighting and allow the vets to perform the tests they need to do to find out what's going on.
Thank you for giving Grace HOPE and for being a part of the Angel's Hope family! We'll continue to update as we have more news.
Grace was shot and left to suffer. Will you give her HOPE?
Grace was a homeless puppy trying to survive the only way she knew how. She didn't ask for the life she was living. She didn't ask to not be cared for. She didn't ask to not have food and to have to search through garbage cans for something to fill her empty stomach. She didn't ask to not have a warm place to rest her head. She didn't ask to not have a home, so spent most of her days wandering around into people's yards hoping that someone would give her a little comfort.
She didn't ask to be injured and unable to move. A Good Samaritan found her and placed her in a plastic container and provided her food and warmth while trying to find help for Grace.
We couldn't say No to Grace. We couldn't let her suffer anymore. She was taken to the vet on the morning of 2/11/2017. We expected the x-rays to show that Grace had been hit by a car, we were wrong.
Grace had been shot and she was paralyzed. She also had a fracture, pneumonia, and lice.
We transferred her to the vet specialists in Matthews, North Carolina on Saturday and she underwent surgery on Sunday. The vet was able to remove the fragmented bullet and also bone that was shattered due to the fracture. While we were hopeful that the surgery would make it possible for Grace to walk again, most likely she'll require a cart for the rest of her life.
We know that Grace's immediate future will be a tough one, but we couldn't give up on her and we had to give her the chance to know kindness and love.
Will you help this sweet girl get the second chance she needs? The funds raised will go towards her surgery, hospitalization, ongoing medical care related to her injury, and other supplies that she'll need as she recovers and adjust to her new life.
There are other ways to help too. Grace will need a very special home that will be patient with her needs as she adjusts to her new life. We're looking for a committed, dedicated family that will welcome Grace home once she's ready. You can help by sharing her story with friends and family that may be a good fit for Grace.
She'll need a home without stairs (or at least to be carried up/down them when needed) and a family that will be committed to her medical needs, including expressing her bladder, physical therapy, and getting her in and out of her cart. She may also need time to learn to trust again. We can't imagine the fear she must have felt the day that she was shot and even the months leading up to it, always being pushed away by humans she was reaching out to.
We're also looking for volunteers that are experienced with caring for special needs dogs like Grace and would be willing to come by each day to help with expressing her bladder, physical therapy, and other special care that she will require as she starts on the road to recovery.
We want Grace to have the happiest, most fulfilling life that she can have and we hope that there's a family that will be willing to help Grace learn how to love and to get the chance she almost didn't have.
Thank you for your support and for changing the lives of homeless pets like Grace!
With deep gratitude,
April Hurley
Angel's Hope
Angel's Hope
About the Organization
P.O. Box 207
United States
EIN: 45-2593796