1500 Cats in 2015!!

Did you know that if you take one pair of cats and let them have babies and their babies have babies, in 10 years you will have 49,021 cats? No rational person would think that 49,021 kittens produced by one cat and her offspring in 10 years is acceptable!

Please help us spay/neuter 1500 cats in 2015! With your help we can save so many lives!

The cost is $50 per cat and we've already raised $41,000. Just $34,000 more and we can make it happen!

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  • $1,113Raised
  • $34,000Goal

We're one big team on a mission to fill this GivingGrid!

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Campaign Details

Did you know that if you take one pair of cats and let them have babies and their babies have babies, in 10 years you will have 49,021 cats? No rational person would think that 49,021 kittens produced by one cat and her offspring in 10 years is acceptable!

In November 2014 we started this program and spayed or neutered 142 cats, preventing hundreds of innocent babies from being born. With your help this year, we can help more cats. Our goal for 2015 is 1500 homeless cats being helped!

Cats entering traditional animal control facilities have only three possible outcomes: being adopted, returned to an owner or killed.

Feral cats are not socialized to humans, have no traditional owners and are very poor candidates for adoption. For them, the only outcome is death. The kill rate for feral cats in animal control rises to virtually 100%. The act of spaying/neutering will have a great impact on improving the life of an individual cat and the lives of the overall cat population. We are working with four groups to help make this possible and we hope you will help.

All cats will be sterilized, receive their rabies shot, have any wounds treated and then re-released to a managed (someone is feeding them and looking out for them) colony.

A donation of $50 will spay or neuter an innocent cat and help prevent another innocent kitten from being born to a possible short life of cold, hunger and danger.

We've already raised $41,000 and year-to-date have spayed or neutered almost 500 cats. We have roughly 1,000 cats to go and $34,000 dollars to raise to get it done.

Once again, please help us spay or neuter 1500 cats in 2015! With your help we can save so many lives!

Blind Cat Rescue

About the Organization



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