
Don't Shoot Portland

Wall of Love

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The #GivingBlackDay campaign is uniquely dedicated to supporting black-led organizations, like Don't Shoot Portland, doing vital work in our community. Read more.

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  • $723Raised
  • $5,000Goal

Campaign Details

On August 28, 2018, Don't Shoot Portland will be joining #GivingBlackDay, a national day of giving focused specifically on supporting black-led and black-benefitting organizations. #GivingBlackDay isn't like other fundraising campaigns. This day takes place during Black Philanthropy Month, and is uniquely dedicated to supporting organizations doing vital work to uplift black communities, which is why we are so excited to be a part of this movement.  Please support our work by donating and sharing this campaign.  

#GivingBlackDay is also unique in that it falls on August 28, a day chosen due to its historical significance. Did you know that on:

August 28, 1955: 14-year-old Emmett Till was brutally murdered by three white men, which became a "flashpoint in the civil rights movement."

August 28, 1963: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have A Dream" speech in Washington, D.C.

August 28, 2005: Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana. The storm, which devastated New Orleans, inordinately impacted many of the city's black residents.

August 28, 2008: Then-Senator Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president, becoming the first black man to ever win the nomination and bid for the presidency.

Your contribution allows us to continue our work and develop additional programming for our most marginalized community members. 

Join our "Wall of Love" by donating and sharing this campaign!


Our Programs and Services

Oregon Know Your Rights trainings from 2014 to present– Advocacy and legal workshops hosted this year by Oregon Legal Aid (Spring 2018)

Youth and family focused social justice art camps, advocacy and volunteer service organizing 2017/2018

Trauma informed meditation and yoga provided in partnership with SOLA every Wednesday night. A service for Community healing with a Radical Dharma approach.

Community Feed in and potlucks bring people together and includes event organizing around violence and advocacy. Our outreach also includes food and clothing distribution to marginalized families in populations surrounding Oregon and Washington.

Since 2014 #DontShootPDX has developed legal outreach in support and partnership with lawyers and volunteers including the support of legal observers from the ACLU, National Lawyers Guild and MPD Law Collective.

Community Engagement and Educational Dialogues – our signature activism and direct engagement platforms used direct engagement and speakers panels including our annual Black Lives Matter Plenary.

Our NVDA Protest demonstrations have expanded the blueprint of the #BlackLivesMatter movement including our agenda into Oregon state capital, and other city and county municipalities including school districts and other fraternal organizations and institutions that we enter to demand Fairness and Equity.

Community Art Project – Our youth outreach ensures that we support the development of local activism through various forms of education related art and history projects focused on civil rights and anti discrimination. The fight against state sanctioned discrimination is strengthened through the use of knowledge and promotion of process, policy and history.

#Donation #BlackPhilanthropy #Philanthropy #Organizations #BuildingCommunity #SocialJustice #BlackLivesMatter #YouCantControlArt #HandsUpDontShoot

Don't Shoot Portland

About the Organization

1425 Northeast Dekum St.
Portland, OR 97211

EIN: 81-3128753



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