50K Matching Challenge!

!A call came in. 50th Wedding Anniversary and hubby was thinking on what to get. He came up with "A Unique Gift". His solution? A MATCHING DONATION OF UP TO $50,000.00! From now until Hoe Down on 6/8/24 Every dollar donated up to 50k will be matched! This helps us in our ever increasing annual budget which is currently over $500,000 annually. If you wish to make a large donation please email us at Basset911@aol.com and we can add check or stock donations as an offline donation! What a wonderful gift! Daphneyland is more than a rescue. Watch our video to catch a glimpse of 22 years of success.

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DaphneyLand Basset Rescue

About the Organization

Golden Empire Basset Rescue oversee's the Daphneyland programs wherein up to 75 basset hounds, mixes and a few bloodhounds daily are in need of daily nutrition, medications, vet care, training, socialization and ultimately adoptions.

6221 Shannon Valley Rd
Acton, CA 93510
United States

EIN: 320198167



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