Help Lucky Penny's Heart Beat On

4 year old Lucky Penny was surrendered to ABR when her owner was in hospice, and it is a lucky thing that she was. She was just diagnosed with a heart condition, Patent Ductus Arteriosus that will cause congestive heart failure and death at a young age.

But good news! With surgery, she will have a normal life expectancy. But the cost for this heart surgery is $5,000.00 and it must be done soon.

Can you make a donation to help save Lucky Penny?

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  • $5,048Raised
  • $5,000Goal

Let's see all the great photos from our wonderful supporters!


  • Update

    Once again our American Brittany Rescue community has done it! We reached our goal of $5,000.00 to give Lucky Penny a chance to live a full life time of love. Some of you have asked how she is doing so here are some words from the foster

    "Lucky Penny has now been home 6 days and her heart beat feels and appears normal.  Her ECG trace before the surgery was very erratic compared to how a normal trace would appear.  The cardiologist stated prior to release from the hospital that the left side of her heart had clearly re-sized itself after less than 24 hours.   She is very anxious to be let out in our fenced yard to chase the bunnies, squirrels, and birds.  We can’t thank everyone enough to help us raise the money for Lucky to have this surgery.  Thank you from the bottom of our  hearts!!! 

    American Brittany Rescue

  • Update



    Update: Lucky Penny is truly a lucky girl to have the support of the American Brittany Rescue family and friends! She is home and the foster said she is very happy, her tail is wagging non-stop! Yes she sure looks happy to us. 

    Thank you!
    American Brittany Rescue soon

  • Update

    Lucky Penny is shown here waiting for her procedure but as of now she is done. The foster wanted us to let you know  that the procedure went well and the device was placed into the ductus arteriosus to block the blood from flowing through that path.  She is in recovery while they monitor her heart rate.  She will stay the night and they will do an echo tomorrow before she leaves to make sure the device is still in place.  Expecting a full recovery!
    All this because of our donors. Check out the her fundraising page for more pictures
    Thank you!
    American Brittany Rescue soon

  • Update

    Update: Thanks to donors like you, Lucky Penny's surgery is now scheduled for Wednesday the 19th at University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine.  We were very lucky they had an opening this quickly. I am sure we will raise enough money to reach our goal soon

    Thank you!
    American Brittany Rescue soon

  • Update

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Because of the generosity of our Brittany community we are over half way to our our goal. I know we will make it and that sweet little Lucky Penny will get the surgery to close the hole in her heart. 

    We are always humbled and grateful for the support we receive to help our Brittany friends-You're the BEST!

    Thank you!
    American Brittany Rescue 

Campaign Details




Lucky was living outside until she was taken into the care of American Brittany Rescue. It is normal procedure for all dogs entering ABR's care to have a veterinary exam. It was during this exam that the Foster's veterinarian heard a serious heart murmur and was concerned enough to do a chest x-ray, which showed an enlarged left ventricle. Because of this Lucky Penny was brought to a specialist-cardiologist where she was diagnosed with Patent Ductus Arteriosus. The vet says her ductus is small to medium in size with moderate ventricular enlargement. Since she is an adult, surgery to close the ductus probably won't result in the left ventricle going back to normal but will keep her from developing congestive heart failure and ultimately perishing before her time. We received a second confirming opinion from the University of Pennsylvania vet school on August 13th. Lucky needs surgery to live life to an expected term. The cardiologist felt the surgery needs to be done as soon as possible.

Can you please make a donation of any size to help little Lucky Penny?


American Brittany Rescue

About the Organization

American Brittany Rescue, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 1991 as a cooperative effort of Brittany owners, breeders, trainers, and fanciers. Since it's formation, the organization has worked to rescue Brittanys and place them in loving homes. Incredibly, nearly 9,000 dogs have been rescued and adopted into carefully selected homes.

822 Wild Ginger Road
Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554

EIN: 68-448306



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