65 dogs need your help!

We urgently need your help!

Urgent help needed to airlift 65 dogs to safety on the 11th of September.

Each dog that enters Pawtcake Refuge comes with a painful past. These voiceless souls roam the streets, searching for food and water, never knowing when they will eat again. Many are injured or ill. They shy away from people, expecting to be abused, because they endure so much of it... Despite their fears, they always seem to sense Chella's intentions and allow her to help.

For the homeless this trip means one door closer to home. Many of them that could not receive the medical help they need here, will now get that help in the US.

This is their only chance. Please help.

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Campaign Details


“The only humanity left in me is because of these homeless dogs that nobody loves on the streets. Because of them, I feel alive despite the pain. Because of them, I go through life helping as many as I can.”
— Chella, President & Founder

Dogs like Lofe have been waiting for an opportunity like this for years. 

Lofe's story is like many on the island, his entire life he belonged to a “family” who could care less if he lived or died. They left him outside to fend for himself everyday. Lofe never knew where his next meal was coming from or if the hurricanes would wash him away. He meant nothing to them, but he was fortunate, because he meant everything to Chella.

7 months later Lofe is almost unrecognizable and he'll be on the plane, ready for a forever home in the US.

Bethany’s story isn’t far off from Lofe's. The only difference is that Bethany's family actually drove her to a clinic and demanded the doctor to euthanize her, simply because they did not want her alive anymore. When Chella offered to take Bethany, the family agreed but warned Chella that if they ever saw Bethany again they would toss her body onto a highway. Bethany is a survivor and she is boarding that plane on the 11th of September. Evil did not win this time. 

Honorato lived 10 lonely years on the streets of the Bahamas. He was a stray on the island and lived his entire life unclaimed. Chella rescued him and vowed that the remainder of his life would be filled with love.

In April YOU answered our call for help. Honorato alongside 74 other dogs traveled to the United States. Honorato is thriving in New York City.  He loves taking long walks and greeting everyone he meets. Because of you, he is right where he was always meant to be.  


Honorato is one of the lucky ones.  All of the dogs boarding the plane on the 11th of September are the lucky ones. They will get out. We will find a way to raise the funds to get them off the island.  

The number 65 does not only represent the amount of dogs who will board the plane for a new life, it also represents the 65 open spaces for other dogs on the island. The other lonely souls who are waiting for their chance to be saved. These are the voiceless dogs of Nassau, Bahamas.
Be a part of their journey today.  We need you - They need you. 


About the Organization

PawtCake Refuge (The Voiceless Dogs of Nassau, Bahamas) is dedicated to rescuing abused, neglected, homeless, and abandoned dogs in the Bahamas. We are committed to every dog we save, providing them with all necessary medical care, and offering them the very best chance at a new life.

P.O. Box 54
Old Bethpage, NY 11804

EIN: 81-3142530




  • Update

    A beautiful message from Chella and another reason why these airlifts are wonderful and so important!

    Last Saturday was a bitter sweet mixed emotions... Watching the plane take off with 65 of my babies to the States I was all sad letting my babies go... In another part of the world, my old child Perry went home to live with his new family. My dream to see him in his happy home became a reality!

    My heart is full of joy! His mom Zoe Daelman Chlanda, spoils him! 15 years of his life he suffered on the streets of Nassau, Bahamas and I thought nobody but me would ever love him because of his mange, he's toothless, old and all... I am so glad I was wrong!

    Thank you Second Chance Rescue for taking him under your wings and choosing the right home for him! A million thanks to his family, that only saw the beauty in him, promising to love him till the last day of his life and beyond! Bless you my darling boy. Your earned this loving home! Be happy!

    These airlifts save lives!!

    Warmest regards,
    Pawtcake Refuge


  • Update

    Want to have an even better day? Watch this video and see what you helped make happen! Try not to smile...

    Click here to watch the video.

    Stay tuned for more great stuff over the next several days!

    Warmest regards,
    Pawtcake Refuge


  • Update

    Thank you again for rallying and supporting our airlift to get these 65 precious babies to the USA, where they will get the care they need and find their forever homes! You are amazing!!

    They're all in the US now and we're dealing with the logistics of getting each of them to where they need to go... We will definitely share photos and video of The 65 after their arrival, but in the meantime we thought you might enjoy seeing the process of getting them into their "ride" and of Chella and her crew saying goodbye. The pups look very excited about their new lives. Enjoy!

    Unfortunately, we haven't reached our goal yet, but thanks to you and lots of other wonderful people, we still did really great and won't have to tap too much into our emergency funds, so thank you again for that...

    Stay tuned for more great stuff over the next several days!

    Warmest regards,
    Pawtcake Refuge


  • Update

    It's happening!!

    Chella & Pawtcake Refuge

  • Update

    Tomorrow is a big day for the 65 babies who are leaving the refuge to start a new life in the United States.

    It’s a bitter sweet day for us.  They will leave the Bahamas, but they will live in our hearts forever. This special day has been made possible by your generous support.  They owe their lives to you.

    Earlier today we received a call regarding a little puppy whose entire litter passed away. At 7 weeks puppy Daniel was alone on the streets. We were able to rescue him and get him seen by a vet. You see, in situations like these, we dip into our emergency fund to help sick and injured animals on the street.  

    Unfortunately, as of this moment, we’re still about $13,000 short of our goal for the airlift and we could really use some more help. We kindly ask that you please continue to share the campaign, right up to the last minute. We do not want to have to dip into our emergency funds… We would like to reserve them for medical expenses to help puppies like Daniel.

    Thank you so much for helping.

    Chella & Pawtcake Refuge

  • Update

    This little baby is Fiorire. Her name means blossoming. She will be on the flight to the US.

    Today I found her. This baby happens to be related to 11 puppies I found in a mountain of trash a few days ago. Every single little dot on her entire body that looks like dirt are actually ticks. She had them by the thousands!

    I was told that from a large litter of babies, she is the only survivor. Each day the family found a dead puppy in their yard. Believe it or not, they nicknamed her “last man.”

    I brought her to the refuge, after the 2 clinics I drove her to were closed. Her tummy is full of parasites, her ears are as pale as paper and her sad eyes are covered in green discharge. I have already tested her for Parvo, and thank God she is negative. I have no idea what killed her siblings.

    Last night we had a horrible storm and I let my refuge dogs sleep in my bedroom, because the continuous lightning was so frightening. I cannot imagine what this baby went through outside in that yard all alone.

    Please watch this short video from when we rescued her.

    Fiorire is too broken for a puppy of her age. Such sadness comes from within… If God allows it, I will get her on that plane and I will see her blossom to be the beautiful flower that she is supposed to be.

    Fiorire is just one of the 65 dogs that will be on the plane to the US. It’s their only chance to survive and prosper in a loving home, but we still need your help. We’re only at about 56% of the money we need to pay for this live saving airlift. I know you've already helped a lot, but please share this campaign with anyone you think might want to help too. That’s how we can make it.

    Can you be her fairy Godmother/Godfather?

    Chella & Pawtcake Refuge

  • Update

    Each year hundreds of dogs come into Pawtcake Refuge (Chella’s land) and find sanctuary, love and care. Chella and Pawtcake is there only lifeline on this island.

    Without the help of donors like you, we could not survive. Your gift is immeasurable. As you know, in less than 3 weeks, 65 beautiful souls will board an airplane for their journey to the United States and as a result, 65 kennels will open up to save more deserving souls on the island.

    We have made it to 20% of our goal to complete this urgent airlift and we could not have made if this far without your generous support, but we still have a long way to go.

    Please enjoy this short video of our furry friends sending you a very special thank you message. All of these doggies and more will be on the plane headed to the US for care and eventually finding their forever homes. They get by with a little help from their friends…

    Watch the Video

    Please help us reach our goal by sharing our campaign with others you think might want to help too. We’d truly appreciate it!

    Big hugs,
    Chella and Pawtcake Refuge

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