
Snip.Snip.Hooray is a campaign to raise funds to spay and neuter 300 dogs and cats in Puerto Morelos, Mexico in February 2020. All veterinary services will be donated. The estimated surgical supply cost of $20 per pet is an amount that is truly unaffordable for pet owners in Puerto Morelos, resulting in continuous litters of puppies and kittens - leading to homeless pets.

Please help us break the cycle by donating today!

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  • $6,312Raised
  • $7,000Goal

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  • Update


    I am pleased to share that we were able to spay and neuter 170 cats and dogs during our February Spay and Neuter clinic in Puerto Morelos, Mexico.  In addition, there are funds remaining that will be used to fund spay and neuter supplies for many months to come in this poor village.  

    Thank you for your generous and kind contributions to this cause.  

    I have attached some photos of our clinic volunteers in action as well as photos of some of the pets and their owners.  It was an amazing experience.  We are all very grateful for your support.


Fundraise for this Campaign

Campaign Details


On my inaugural trip to Puerto Morelos, Mexico in 2008, I was horrified by the number of diseased and starving stray dogs and cats wandering around this little piece of paradise. I met Diane Curtis, a local bakery owner who kept a jar by her cash register to collect funds to care for these animals.  Over the years, Diane has made a significant difference in reducing the stray animal population in Puerto Morelos and also in educating owners about the importance of spaying and neutering their pets.

In February 2019, Diane invited me to participate in a free spay and neuter clinic serving the poor people of Puerto Morelos.  These people love their pets but struggle to keep their dogs and cats fed, let alone have funds to deparasite or spay and neuter them.  With an amazing team of vets and volunteers, we spayed or neutered more than 200 hundred animals in two days.  It was such a heartwarming experience to see the local people come in droves, wait for hours in the heat to get the medical treatment their animals so desperately needed.   Their appreciation was evident, when each time I placed someone’s “fixed” pet in their arms after surgery I was greeted by grateful, smiling faces.

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I am determined to use this time to find ways I can make a difference in the world.  As Mother Teresa said “Do no great things, only small things with great love”. 

To that end: It is my great pleasure to announce that I am establishing a fundraising campaign called:   Project Snip.Snip.Hooray!   I am inviting you to be among the first to make a contribution that helps achieve my goal to raise $7,000.

My intention is to ensure that funding can support the spaying and neutering of 300 cats and dogs at the February 2020 spay neuter clinic in Puerto Morelos.  The cost of “fixing” one animal is $20.

Why is this cause worth your support?

            *          Spaying & Neutering helps control pet homelessness, which results in millions of                                      healthy dogs and cats being euthanized annually;


            *          Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or                                cancerous in about 50 percent of female dogs and 90 percent of female cats;

            *          Neutering prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems.                                               

So, with that in mind, I ask you to consider supporting my first retirement project with a personal donation.  All of the money raised is going directly to supporting the treatment of the dogs and cats of Puerto Morelos. 


OrganizerRobyn GrayContact Organizer

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