Campaign Details
Here's a quote from Jennifer after she got there:
“The sights, smells, and sounds will stay with me long after we shut down this horrid place. 92 dogs are being severely abused and neglected; they lay helpless in filth; sleeping in feces and urine that has caked into their fur and is rotting away at their skin.
As you walk through the property, the cries for help are ear-piercing! Dead rats cover the ground and snakes slither out of the lake to bite the dogs. This is hell on earth - there is no other way to describe it. As I cradled their depressed faces in my hands; I made them a promise and I have to keep that promise; I have to get them out."
And here's a quote from Josie Jones, a Vet Tech that helped Jennifer:
“Countless dogs were chained with logging chains around their necks. All clearly had minimal contact or mental stimulation. Rats could be seen crawling under the pallets and tin laid on the ground. The number of flies was shocking. The kennels that were baking in direct sunlight were swamps of mud, urine & feces. All of the dogs had bloody ears and noses from the constant fly bites and most would yelp in pain when you touched their ears. Many have teeth ground down to the gums from chewing at the chains and cages.”
This is a massive undertaking, and we have definitely bitten off more than we can chew, but we can’t leave them behind; there is no choice here. Either we get them out, or they suffer and possibly die in misery.
Our volunteers arrived at the property over 48 hours ago to start triaging. All 92 dogs on the property are now fully vaccinated from infectious diseases, thanks to our vet partners.
We have already started moving the dogs out of this hell and have so far gotten 30 of them to our vet partner in Georgia for care and safety. This alone will be incredibly expensive.
We simply don’t have the funds to cover this! From the vet fees to vaccines (and other meds) to transportation at roughly $200 per dog to the boarding and beyond, it's beyond our means. And we don’t yet have the commitments from other rescues to help us. As we’re sure most of you know, almost all rescues are way over capacity and have no room, but that doesn’t matter right now. They will die without us, so if we have to pay to board them for a while, sobeit.
They're begging us to help them. I wish there were a way for them to understand that we see them and will not leave them behind.
We would be so grateful for your help with a donation and sharing this campaign. Thank you.

Second Chance Rescue Inc
About the Organization
In 2009, NYC Second Chance Rescue began as a small dream, founded on the firm belief that all animals deserve love and care, and that no animal should ever be subjected to abuse, neglect or homelessness. All proceeds go directly to the animals, and to date, we have relied solely on donations from loyal supporters. Our mission is to offer a second chance to those animals less fortunate — those with critical medical, emotional or behavioral issues.
Whitestone, NY 11357
EIN: 264835303