ROSIES is driving a revolution. We design jobs that engage our customers with purpose & empower our diverse abilities*. We use the term "diverse abilities" to promote an open & positive approach to working with colleagues, including those with a disability. We focus on ability– including the, expertise, potential & personal qualities that a person contributes to the job they are being hired to do.

YOU are the resource we need to run our bus!

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  • $10,147Raised
  • $12,500Goal

We need YOU to #RunTheBus

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  • Update

    Throughout our fundraising efforts, it has been all thanks to you that were over 80% of the way to our goal for our campaign, but were not there yet and we have just a few more days. We are sure that we can reach our goal and fill the bus up with all of your support. With your belief in the empowerment and employment of adults with diverse abilities, we too are confident we can achieve that objective.  

    As we come together on Monday to enjoy Labor Day with family and friends, we ask that you share this campaign with those that matter to you most, and include ROSIES in your celebrations. You have a unique opportunity to make a direct impact on the future of ROSIES Crew! The only way to #RunTheBus is to do it together!

    Please click on the link below to empower our ROSIES Crew: 


    Thank you for being #ready4ROSIES!

  • Update


    Thank you for supporting ROSIES mission to #RuntheBus..

    We are OVER HALF WAY to our goal because of YOU!



    This Summer alone we will have generated 321 hours of employment for our crew, with opportunities including the O.C Fair and Levitt Pavilion Concerts. We started this campaign to execute our plan of gigs that we have booked, and your contribution has gotten us one step closer to providing invaluable jobs for our Crew and opportunities for our customers to indulge in purpose.

    We cannot emphasize the value of sharing your participation with your family, co-workers, friends, extended family, neighbors, linked-in connections, facebook followers, coffee shop baristas etc. Your goal is to share this with everyone you know, and challenge them to do the same. If you need more creative fundraising ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. With your participation, we can continue providing employment opportunities and encourage others to stop and smell the ROSIES! 


Campaign Details

Approximately 80% of the 22 million working-age Americans with disabilities do not have a job. Already in 2017, ROSIES has generated 897 paid hours of employment for our 17 Crew mates. We currently require essential funds to continue operating what has taken us the last two years to build together.

We believe that everyone needs a first job with a reasonable learning curve, and we're confident sustainable employment can start with us and grow within our expanding network, which now includes YOU!

By partnering with The Bigg Chill and Enjoyer, LA-based premium ice cream makers sourcing local and natural based products, ROSIES crew is able to craft experiences and serve delicious frozen treats from ROSIES Bus! We enhance any party, corporate event, shower, or Tuesdayafternoon with the delightful tastes, sounds, and unforgettable experiences created by ROSIES Bus. Each party atmosphere is complemented by custom karaoke jams and games like cornhole.

We need immediate philanthropic financial support so we can run ROSIES Bus this summer and deliver on a lineup of paid employment opportunities for our Crew with TOMS shoes, LA Rams, the OC Fair, NBC Universal, and a growing list of private events everyday.

To Donate, please click on one of the squares....

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you....

$15 - Buys ONE ServSafe Certification (Food Handler Permit)
$20 - Sponsor ONE hour of employment for ROSIES Crew
$40 - Sponsor TWO hours of employment for ROSIES Crew
$80 - Sponsor FOUR hours of employment for ROSIES Crew
$300 - Co-sponsor ONE event for ROSIES Crew
(includes: employment and BUS operation costs)
$600 - Sponsor ONE event for ROSIES Bus
(includes: employment and BUS operation costs)
$3000 - Buys custom mobile Popsicle Cart
(gives ROSIES a huge increase in potential employment hours for ROSIES Crew)

To see our crew in action follow us: @rosiesjobs

For your next ice cream social book us: roaminghunger.com/rosies-bus

ROSIES Foundation

About the Organization

8541 Washington Blvd
Culver City, California 90232

EIN: 464913500



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