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Update on Patty Lou… and new request….
This has been a very long and I mean long month and a half, from the first surgery and hearing that dreaded word we never in a million thoughts we imagined would hear to the waiting and many questions that still seem to go unanswered at times.
She has endured so much and she is still staying so STRONG!!! To say we are proud is an understatement!! She is a WARRIOR!!!
Dad has been her champion, her round the clock nurse, house maid, meal preparer and best friend.
He has done an amazing job taking care of his sweetheart…
The outpour of love and support from all our prayer circles and prayer warriors is beyond uplifting and truly shows how much she is loved by so many. We are trying everyday to keep her mind strong and positive for this next chapter.
Through many appointments and what feels like million hours in between each for more answers and a lot of research on our parts, we have some direction, for now, However, we are still in the process of discussing her case with other specialists throughout the US.
We had a meeting on Monday to discuss possible treatment steps, with a local and very well-respected Oncology Surgeon for the HIPEC surgery, however, it has been decided within our local team of Doctors that Chemotherapy as a first step will be the best form of treatment, then re-evaluate to see if she is a viable candidate for this surgery.
She will have an MRI on Tuesday to begin, what they think is a better tracker as a baseline for post chemotherapy treatment, then the following day, she will begin her first Chemotherapy.
She will go in and receive IV treatment for a 3.5 hours and then be sent home to continue treatment for 2 days and go back to have it removed, this will continue every 2 weeks for 6 weeks, for the first cycle, we will then do an another MRI to track her treatment efficacy.
While this process has been a roller coaster, we have had our little "Wins" at times that keep us positive and know we are on the right path.. WE WONT STOP. WE ARE HER ARMY.
Please continue to pray for her, her mental and physical strength and for all we are doing to assist in her full remission.
Additionally, we are now at a point, and we have been hesitant to ask for assistance, however, with the hospital stays, the chemotherapy as well as homeopathic remedies, these things add up quickly!!!!
My sister and I do not want my parents to endure the hardship of these financial burdens as we continue this path to getting her well. Keeping their focus on her wellbeing is imperative for her mindset for this battle.
They worked hard their entire lives and when you own your own business, outside of setting up your own savings, you don't have a retirement fund or 401K, so times like these make it hard to know what your battling financially, while you faced with this awful disease. While my father is an honorable man and has said "he would sell everything he has to save her", that is not something he should have to do, and we don't feel any of us want that for them, Our prayer is for her to recover and continue with the life they have loved and lived for almost 48 Years together.
With that said, please feel free to donate in her FIGHT to assist them, all of the funds will go towards the medical bills, medicine, therapy, as well as any travel expenses that occur or add to a bucket list trip for mom, she's always wanted to go somewhere tropical, we hope after her first round, she'll feel up to it.
You can click on the donate portion of the page and click on the link.
We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts for anything you can donate.
***If you would like to see her please feel free to reach out, she loves her company and if you would like to bring food please get with Kim or Candice, as we are monitoring her sugar intake as well as making sure she is eating healthy, cancer fighting foods as much as possible.
We thank you so much for all the calls, texts, and most of all LOVE and PRAYERS!! Keep them coming!!