Barney's Helping Paw

A Dog's Day Out Cyprus

Wall of Love

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Barney's Helping Paw

I'm looking for the chance to live, not be put to sleep when I still have a lot of living to do! Please help with my medical bills to treat my Sarcoma! Read more.

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  • 360Raised
  • €500Goal

Campaign Details

My story started last year when my former owners went their separate ways and I was left in the loving care of my dad. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with medical issues and made the difficult decision to give me up when he could no longer care for me. After years of being in a home I suddenly found myself behind bars and living on concrete floors. To make matters worse I developed a lump on my left hip that needed to be dealt with. I was taken to a vet who diagnosed Sarcoma and immediately advised my rescuers to have me put to sleep.

Thankfully David of 'A Dog's Day Out Cyprus' jumped in and decided to help me in any way he could. He took me to another vet and we are waiting to see the results to decide on the best way forward so I can have a few more years of love and freedom (which David will sort out for me). Because medical treatment costs money I am begging you to help me out by donating to and sharing my fundraiser to raise the funds needed. The funds go directly to David who will oversee everything and you can follow my progress on the Website and Facebook Page.

Thanking you for your generosity and love in advance. All my love, Barney

A Dog's Day Out Cyprus

About the Organization

'A Dog's Day Out' Cyprus is run by 'One Mans Rescue', a program that aims to raise awareness of the plight of rescue dogs in shelters both in Cyprus and abroad.




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