Help Jean Louise: $411 goal

When one Underdog is adopted, we are always confronted with others in need. Often hounds leap out at us, because they are hard to place in southern WV, as well as there are so many of them. Add to that a medical need, and you have an underdog.

Jean Louise is the newest Underdog. She was found suffering in a ditch, weighing only 32 lbs. She had to have emergency surgery which cost $411.

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  • $375Raised
  • $900Goal

We love our friends and family and their friends for helping!

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Campaign Details

Operation Underdog is on a mission to save lives and change minds in southern WV. We operate solely through volunteers and donations. There are no paid positions with Operation Underdog. Honestly, there is not amount of money we could offer our volunteers for their selfless acts of kindness day after day. We have a group of 5 cofounders, all of whom are working professionals in the area. Our volunteers range from single moms to families, to other working professionals. We have an amazing team of fosters, transporters, and animal advocates who spend their time working themselves to the bone to save lives.

One of our cofounders saw Jean Louise on Facebook, and as a hound lover and advocate, she started reaching out to larger groups to help her. When no one would commit, she knew she had to get Jean Louise into a foster home to start her recovery. So, Jean Louise came to Operation Underdog on Friday, Oct. 9.

She was completely emaciated, and weighed only 32 lbs. Her foster mom started out slowly feeding her one cup of food five times per day to try to ensure there would not be any tummy trouble. She is responding well to this feeding regime.

The next step was finding out a cost for the procedure she needed to fix her hip. She has some trouble walking and is clearly injured. The procedure needed is FHO surgery, Femoral Head Ostectomy. She has been evaluated by a veterinarian and that is the procedure recommended to make her alleviate her issues. Costs are estimated at $900, which is why are are reaching out to you for help.

Now, about Jean Louise. We estimate her to be around 6-7 years old. She is a sweet and gentle girl. She craves attention and longs to just sit at her foster mom's feet. She will make a lovely addition to a lucky family when she is whole. We certainly feel she is worthy of every effort we can expend on her behalf. It will be exciting to see her transformation from the negelct she has experienced to the pampered companion she will become.

Operation Underdog does not pick the easy to place dogs. We are proud of the fact that we do not shy away from animals in the greatest need in our area. How can we possibly continue to do this? Time after time helping such extreme cases? Because we have the most amazing supporters! YOU make it possible for us to continue to help those who have no one else.

Underdog is defined as someone having nothing to lose and everything to gain. Please consider helping Jean Louise if you can. Every donation counts toward giving her the chance she deserves. Not only for Jean Louise, but for all of the abandoned, the abused, neglected, starved, and worse. "Saving one dog might not change the world. But for this one dog, the world will surely be changed."

Operation Underdog

About the Organization



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