Have a Heart--Save a Heart

We urgently need your help!

Please read these cats' stories below. As Valentine's Day approaches, our hearts are filled with love and compassion for these beautiful felines who were once in dire situations--facing death in county shelters due to their medical conditions. We just couldn't bear them being put to sleep. They had to be saved! We provided medical toreatments for them, but their care has been costly. We are asking for your help so these precious cats continue to receive the care they need and deserve. Your donation, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in their lives. Together, we can give them a chance at a happy and healthy future.

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Campaign Details

All these cats were on the County KILL LIST because of their medical conditions. We just couldn't let that happen! Please donate whatever you can.

CLAWDIA SHIFFER: Clawed half her face due to stress at the shelter;

CALYPSO: Had a degloved tail and needed amputation;

FARRAH PAWCETT: Her dislocated wrist will require surgery to repair the joint. Additionally, she contracted calicivirus, for which she was hospitalized and on oxygen; See her video above showing her struggling to breathe;

REMINGTON STEELE: Had a urinary tract blockage of crystals; was hospitalized twice for a total of 12 days;

ARCHIE: Had a broken leg; was hospitalized for 3 weeks; had to be confined and kept fairly immobile; especially hard for a kitten; That's his x-ray;

HAMISH: Had bad case of mange; required extensive treatment;

PO: Severe upper respiratory; required long term antibiotics, nebulizer; 

CELIE: Had a fractured pelvis and major degloving of her tail and hindquarters;

BLUEY & BINGO: twin kittens, very underage and were going to be euthanized just because there was no room; No room! What?

We are so grateful that, thanks to your compassion, these precious souls and others will suffer no more and will look forward to a wonderful life of love. Thank you for your support in this special month of LOVE

Please share on your social media! It's safe, easy, and soooo helpful! (You can even fundraise on our behalf.)



Lifeline for Pets

About the Organization

We are a small, no-kill rescue based in Pasadena, CA. We provide care for homeless cats until a loving home can be found for them. We have many adorable and loving pets waiting for their forever homes. Our goal is to help these deserving animals have a long, happy life!

Pasadena, CA 91017

EIN: 95-3786746




  • Update

    Dear Awesome Donors, 

    Great news! Thanks to you all, we are now over 50% of our fundraising goal! We'll be running this campaign till the end of the month.

    The cats you have supported on our Valentine Giving Grid, like beautiful Po (aka Potato) here, are going to truly benefit from your help. See the change from her "before" picture to her "after" picture. She's doing so well, and is even ready for adoption! That's what your donations have done!

    We can't thank you enough, and we hope you have revisited the Giving Grid to see our comment on your square, and also to read all the other inspiring messages.

    However, we are still short of our goal. 

    We've been posting on Facebook and Instagram, as well. If you use those platforms but haven't seen us, we're on FB at lifelineforpets.pasadena, and on IG at lifelineforpets_pasadena. We've also sent out email blasts, which some of you are also on. Thank you for following us, and forwarding, and sharing our posts. Maybe others will be inspired to donate because of you.

    Thanks again, more than you know!

    Next stop: 75%! 

  • Update

    Dear Wonderful Donors, 

    Good news! Thanks to you all, we are now over 25% of our fundraising goal! 

    The cats you read about on our Valentine Giving Grid are going to truly benefit from your help.

    Cats and kittens, like sweet little Farrah Pawcett here. (That big bandage she's wearing really brings out her eyes, don't you think?)

    Farrah is going to be having surgery in a couple of weeks for her severely dislocated paw. It's likely that it will need amputation.

    Thank you for helping support the medical care for Farrah and so many others with your generosity.

    Next stop: 50%!

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